BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with folders > About project folders > Showing project copies

Showing project copies

To view the references between master documents and project copies:

  1. Select either a master document or a project copy.
  2. On the Document menu, point to Managed Change and click Show Project Copies. A reference browser dialog will appear similar to the following figure. The reference browser can also be displayed by clicking the work-in-progress icon on the Document page of the selected document.

Tip    The work-in-progress icon is red   for master documents, blue   for project copies, and crossed shovels   for inactive project copies.

Active project copies are those project copies that have not yet been reconciled with the master document.

Inactive project copies are those project copies that have already been reconciled with their master document and are shown in gray in the reference browser. Inactive project copies may be hidden from viewing in the reference browser by disabling the Display inactive project copies option in the Options dialog accessed by the Options button.

Following are descriptions of the three panes of the reference browser dialog.

  1. Select a document in the upper-left pane to view its path in the upper-right pane.
  2. Click Go to to close the reference browser and make the selected document the selected document in the Navigation view. Click Close to close the reference browser and return to the selected document in the Navigation view.

Tip    Right-click a document in the upper-left pane to display the document context menu. Document commands that are valid for the current context and document workflow state are available for use.

The toolbar buttons are described in the following table.

Reference Explorer toolbar buttons
Option Description

Opens the selected document in a new viewer window.

Compares two selected documents.

Shows the revisions of the selected document.

Show the property pages of the selected document.

Refreshes the Reference Explorer to display the most recent changes.

Shows outgoing CAD external reference types.

Shows incoming CAD external reference types and custom reference types.

Shows Derived From and Derived To reference types.

Shows project copies and their master documents. Requires the Advanced Project Workflow Module.

When creating copies, shows the assembly copy options. When viewing references, shows visibility options for manual references and inactive project copies:

  • Display manual references. Show only references that can be created manually and are not created automatically by application links. Enabled by default.
  • Display inactive project copies. Along with active project copies, also show project copies that have been released as new master revisions. Enabled by default.

Related concepts

About project folders

Understanding project definitions

Related tasks

Creating a new project folder

Copying a master document to a project

Linking to a master document

NEW Unlinking from a master document

Releasing a project copy as a new master document

Unlocking a master document

Unlocking a master document from the project copy

Unlocking a master document from the master document

Discarding a document from a project

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